Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Subtleties of the Perfect Word - Literature Essay Samples

With a few straight lines, perhaps a dot, and an occasional squiggle, Word is born. Despite its humble beginnings, Word holds the possibility of greatness: the ability to cause war, to make peace, to express love, to describe fear. While many others are easily accessible, wrangling Perfect Word requires patience, scrupulousness, and wit. In spite of having properly hogtied it, the actual perfection of Word relies on its relationship with Other Words. Emily Dickinson possesses an uncanny ability to wrestle down the perfect diction, thus creating worlds of hope, despair, faith, and endless questioning. Through her use of the word Goblin, its role, its impact on the understanding of the poem, and its relationship to other imagery, Dickinson displays her linguistic prowess and the intricacies of language. Each of the six poems (356, 360, 388, 425 619, and 757) that include goblin imagery does so in an entirely distinct manner; nevertheless, as the goblins part of speech is more subs tantial, so too does its degree of evil and its role in the poem intensify. Via subtle manipulations of language, Dickinson deepends her poetry and opens it to many layers of interpretation and connectedness. #757 I think to Live may be a Bliss To better understand Dickinsons use of the word goblin poem in #757, its context must first be evaluated. Because of a desire for bliss and the widen[ing] of ones heart, the tone of this poem reflects a wishful air-a dream of achieving a more perfect existence than the life she lives and knows (lines 1, 6). This poem articulates the speakers desire to reach paradise wherein all fear of corruption of beauty, apprehension for her destiny, or moral and spiritual bankruptcy is dispelled by a vision of a steadfast South for the soul (13-16, 19). So vivid and longed for is this dream that she favors this fictitious world to her reality (21, 23). Furthermore, not only does she long for the arrival of paradise, but she also wishes to disregard this life as a mistake corrected by God, implying that her life truly begins upon entering heaven (27-28). Paradise, with its splendor and bounty, serves as a striking contrast to earthly corruption and uncertainty in faith. Having established its context, goblin appears in a catalog of negativity and corruption on earth that is missing in heaven. While used as a noun, the negation of that noun renders this example of the word the least potent of the six examples. Because goblin does not exist in heaven, it has little effect on the meaning of the poem (aside from contrasting the perfection of heaven with the corruption of earth). Due to the part of speech ascribed to goblin, neither the word nor its implications apply/affect the interpretation in a negative sense. Therefore, the tone of this poem remains wishful because the speaker merely acknowledges the fact that negatives exist in reality but refuses to let them impact her dream state. The role of the goblin here is that i t acts as a corrupter of flower blooms-a destroyer of passive beauty. Associated with a mere insect in nature, the goblin represents a pest or annoyance typically ignored and deemed a fact of life. In light of this interpretation, Dickinsons subtle use of a word with evil connotations reveals her grasp and control over language and ability to bend it to her needs.#356 If you were coming in the FallThe initial tone of this poem appears longing and wishful due to the speakers willingness to brush the Summer by to get to fall, stow the wound-up balls of month in separate drawers to get past the year, casually count down the centurieson [her] hand if her lover (or God) be only a century away, or carelessly toss aside her lifetime if in the afterlife they would be united (2, 6-7, 10, 14). Time acts as the faceless enemy who stands between her and her lover. Although this poem speaks of love and a longing to be reunited with a lover, there remains an element of pain. Because she does not know how long they will be kept apart by an exterior force, she suffers emotionally-as if her heart awaits a sense of comfort afforded by a defined time frame of separation. The uncertainty is torturous, but only torturous because she must wait for love. Even the most negative aspect of this poem remains positive.Within this context, goblin acts as an adjective, modifying bee. In this respect, the goblin exists but only in the form of another being, thereby existing in the transferal of goblin-like qualities. Because this sense of evil exists in a diluted form (as the bee possesses other qualities in addition to its goblin-status), it has a subtle impact on the tone of the poem, adding impatience to longing and wishful. By proclaiming that the uncertainty of the length of time that they will be apart goads [her], like the Goblin Bee-/that will not state-its sting, the speaker ascribes goblinhood as a state of mischievousness and taunt (18-20). This goblin bee momentarily withholds its sting because the unknown is far worse than the known. Because the speaker is uncertain of both the sting and the reunion, she remains anxious. The use of goblin as a natural image also seems to imply that this is an unfortunate, but expected, life event. This taunting yields the change in tone: not only is she eager to be reunited with her lover but she also appears annoyed by time. Dickinsons delicate use of goblin as an adjective enables the word to act as an element of evil without corrupting the entire amorous sentiment behind the poem.#619 Did you ever stand in a Caverns Mouth- The tone of this poem, unlike the previous two, is dark, foreboding, and haunting, as revealed by the images of the darkness within a cavern, horror, loneliness, and death (1, 5, 8, 12). Fear permeates this poem-fear of no afterlife, of death, of loneliness, of the unknown, of desperation, of living after such experiences. The speaker describes these fears first through the metaphor of the cavern. Standing within the cave, widths out of the Sun and enshrouded in darkness, the speaker evokes a sense of paranoia coupled with a shortness of breath and prickled hairs on the back of the neck (2, 3). Panic prevails, not for fear of a presence in the darkness but rather for fear of overwhelming loneliness. This sense of desperation continues with the metaphor of the cannon. Driven to that point out of hopelessness and disparity, the barrel of the gun (or cannon) offers lost souls a means of alleviating the pain. The ignited yellow eye from within the cannons barrel serves as a paradox to the light leading the deceased unto heaven: while the heavenly light represents redemption and guidance, the lighted fuse of the cannon lures its viewer to a false sense of reprieve (an anti-salvation) (10). Right before committing suicide, the question of death enters the mind of the person. That fear of the unknown causes the individual to reconsider life, saving him or her n ot by a faith in heaven but by the uncertainty of it. Without knowing whether the Christian god will save, if the pagan underworld (symbolized by the Satyrs song) prevails, or nothingness reigns, death proves a greater risk than life. Within the terms of this poem, Dickinson uses goblin as an adjective, modifying the word it, which in turn represents the circumstances within Caverns Mouth. Within this context, goblin acts as a sort of exclamation, emphasizing that the cave is frightening, haunting, and horrible. The situation within the cave inspires fear and uncertainty, much like the mystical character of a goblin. However, because goblin merely describes the greater entity of a cave, the words impact loses some of its potency and demonic aspects. Because of its minimalized role, its impact on the poems overall tone and meaning is to underscore pre-established sentiments and to introduce a somewhat otherworldly element. Typically deemed a lesser demon or mythical creature, t he goblin represents the question of faith through a glimpse of the powers of evil. By describing the cavern as possessing goblin-like qualities, it therefore takes on the air of a place of evil, temptation, and paganism. Likewise, a feeling of isolation and helplessness often relates to a questioning of faith in God. By simply using goblin in relation to the cavern, Dickinson emphasizes the temptation and religious turmoil experienced in peoples darkest moments.#388 It would never be Common- more- I said The tone of this poem resonates of a longing for times past because now, difference had begun (2). Because it speaks of a crippling loss and transformation from bliss to jadedness, the poem applies to several interpretations: to the loss of riches, loss of innocence, loss of love, loss of faith, or loss of the ability to find happiness. Unsettling change has taken place, which was once met with bitterness but is now viewed more with longing or reminiscence. Once upon a time, the speaker lived a life of blushing joy, once reflected in her rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes (9-12). Rather than be grounded to earth, she walked- as wings, soaring above earthly troubles (13). Her joy could not be held within, but rather demanded to be shared with every creature- that [she] met-/ and Dowered-all the World (19- 20). Unexpectedly, however, the source of her happiness is stripped from her, and she becomes beggared (24). Temporarily blinded and disoriented by the suddenness of this loss, she clutch[es] at sounds and grope[s] at shapes, feebly searching for signs of familiarity and her former life (25, 26). Her beautiful and exotic textiles have been replaced with simple, coarse sackcloth (30). The beauty she saw in life before her cataclysmic loss of innocence, lover, or faith has been replaced with an element of the banal and coarse. Reality has grounded her. Within this poem, goblin acts as a noun that represent one of many goblins or beings. Unlike the pr evious poems, because goblin represents an actual entity, it possesses all aspects of goblinhood rather than mere goblin-like qualities. As an actual being, it exhibits traits attributed to a goblin in its purest form: a malicious being, troublemaker, and manipulator. The use of goblin greatly affects the tone of the poem, as it aids in stimulating the turning point and cause for longing. In this poem, the goblin belongs to list of deeds that transform the speakers life from naÃÆ'Â ¯ve and gay to jaded and depressed. By drinking her dew, it steals her freshness and God-given sustenance. However, because the goblin in this poem acts as one of many goblins in existence, indicated by the indefinite article a, this goblins power is not unique. Likewise, its impact on the speakers state is significant but not the only player in the downfall; the shrinking of riches, tenantlessness of palaces, and beggardom of the speaker accompany it (21-24). Through this portrayal of the goblin , the poet unveils a character strong enough to entirely alter the course of the poem, transforming the speakers life from bliss to meekness.#414 Twas like a Maelstrom, with a notch, Illustrated by words like boiling, agony, delirious, frozen, and anguish, this poem has an overall tone of despair (3, 4, 19, 24). Divided into three sections, the first and second stanzas illustrate the message in terms of a maelstrom, the third and fourth stanzas retell that same account but in terms of a goblin with a gauge, and the fifth and sixth stanzas reinterpret the fourth stanza in terms of an execution. The overall subject matter of this poem discusses the anxiety over the deciding of fate regardless of whether it is in the form of courtly or heavenly judgment. Helpless to change the course of events, the individual must anxiously wait because the hem or final inch of her fabric of life lies in agonys hand and her own (6, 7). Whereas in the first stanza the means of measuring time was re presented by notches in a chaotic maelstrom, the third stanza employs the goblin as the cincher of the fleeting hours, transferring that role from an act of nature to an unworldly demon. The key words as if that open the fifth stanza establish the mirroring of the fourth stanza (18). In the fourth stanza, the hesitation of time depicted as the paralysis of sinew and sense translates into the frozen state of the individual as she is led to the gibbets, still captivated by the luxury of doubt (14, 15, 20). God, in the fourth stanza, saves the condemned from the powerful demonic hands of the fiend but in the sixth stanza, becomes a mere creature that gasps for reprieve to release the prisoner (16, 23). In rendering the position of savior from something that breaks loose in the second stanza to God in the fourth to a mere creature in the sixth, Dickinson articulates her uncertainty about faiths role in reality (8, 16, 23). To go from an unknown to a spiritual and end with a physica l image, the role of savior is not necessarily minimized; rather, it becomes some aspect of this world, tangible and comprehendible (thus depicting the poets vacillation between Calvinism and Transcendentalism). The final lines of each section introduce the question of how to react to reality in light of this experience with salvation-waking from a dream, being let go, then, overcom[ing], or questioning whether to perish or to live implies that although the individual has been saved from condemnation, her fate is uncertain (9, 17, 25). Through uncertainty while awaiting conviction, paralysis with fear, liberation, and return of uncertainty, the poem causes a sense of discomfort; through all of those trials and tribulations, the individual finds herself no better than when she started. Here, goblin behaves as a noun, first representing one of many goblins (A goblin) but then acting as one specific goblin (THE fiend) (10, 16). The transition from indefinite to definite article impl ies that the demon has adopted a more prominent role within the poem. As briefly mentioned above, the goblin takes over the role of the maelstrom in depicting the persons lack of control over her fate. Beyond a mere transferal of roles, the goblin acts as a being consciously controlling someones life, whereas the maelstrom appears to be an unfortunate but inevitable event that unwittingly captures the person. Therefore, the goblin represents a demonic force, determined to destroy and torture for its own pleasure. Furthermore, to pair this goblin with God forces an interaction between pagan and Christian influences in addition to the battle between good and evil. Although the goblin initially maintains control over the helpless individual, its power holds no strength against the will of God, serving as a commentary on interplay between temptation and salvation. Once saved, however, God and goblin disappear but the fate of the individual remains uncertain, begging the question o f the role of God beyond salvation. Until God remembered her, she was held victim to the temptations of evil the in the paws of the goblin-where was God before that (16)? Within this poem, the goblin plays a critical role because without it measuring the hours, tempting, and torturing the individual, God would have no role and the poems message would be lost (11). However, despite the goblins demonic demeanor, it still falls subservient to the will of God. This subtle though pivotal role of the goblin in this poem exhibits Dickinsons thorough comprehension and adept manipulation of language.#360 The Soul has Bandaged moments- Highlighted by the souls moments of misery then reprieve but back to misery, the ultimate tone of this poem is one of despair and despondency. Divided into three portions, the first unveils a soul that suffers a grievous loss or traumatic event and, despite moments of relief, the pain overwhelms her. Restrained and bound by the memory of her loss, the sou l (of the speaker) stands paralyzed at the sudden recollection of the trauma. The ghastly fright accosts and torments her by acting as an anti-lover. Performing deeds typically associated with a lover, the goblin corrupts these memories with a crippling sense of loss (5-10). The goblin seems to mock her pain by taking over that role. The happy memories pain the soul because they remind her that the lover is gone. The third and fourth stanzas represent the second section of the poem. Here, the soul escapes the bandaged moments and manages to celebrate the memory or the happiness in life. Reveling in the touch [of] liberty comparable to a bee reunited with its rose, the soul appreciates the time she and her lover had shared. This liberation is only temporary, however, because the bandages return in the form of shackles and the staples, in the song replace the bursting all the doors (21, 22, 12). Following suit with the goblin, horror welcomes her, thus perverting a typically p leasant deed with horror (23). The fact that the final two stanzas begin with retaken moments implies that distress is the natural state and liberation is the exception. Through the experience of a grievous loss, the soul forever remains crippled by the ordeal. Within the context of this poem, this goblin acts not only as a noun, but as a proper noun addressed by the poem. This transition from general noun to specific noun means that not only does it possess goblin-like qualities or act similar to many goblins but that this Goblin is the epitome of what it means to be a goblin. This being is the essence of evil, menacing, corruption, villainy, and manipulation. Replacing Fright within the context of the poem, Goblin adds a more demonic air to the torture of the soul. Not only does fright accost and paralyze her, but the goblin defiles her precious memories. It steals the breath and kiss from her lips that she reserved only for her lovers touch. The memory of that touch and th ose kisses pains the her to the depths of her soul. By replacing an intangible and somewhat passive emotion with Goblin, Dickinson emphasizes the victimization of the soul. Goblin does more than merely come up; it takes on human characteristics by saluting, caressing, sipping and accosting her (3, 5, 6, 7, 10). The soul is not only haunted by her loss but is continually wounded by it. This example of goblin holds the most potency of all the preceding examples in that here it not only creates the tone of the poem, but its role and power over the soul ultimately prevail. Through this final use of the almighty goblin, Dickinson reveals her ability to mold the language to her will.Conclusion A careful analysis of only six poems in a 1,778-poem collection shows that Dickinson reveals her mastery of language through her subtle use of diction. Her use of the word goblin varies slightly from one poem to the next. Based on the part of speech she prescribes to goblin, Dickinson establi shes its potency throughout the poem. From a negated noun to an adjective to an indefinite noun to a definite noun and finally to a proper noun, both the degree of evil and its role within the poem intensifies. This one word appears in poems about love, faith, loss and despair, but its precise meaning is yet to be defined. That, however, is the beauty of Perfect Word: its meaning may change with intent and interpretation, but for a poet of finesse, its perfection is never undermined.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Who Made Rizal Our Foremost National Hero, and Why

Who Made Rizal Our Foremost National Hero, and Why? BY: ESTEBAN A. DE OCAMPO Dr. Jose Rizal Mercado y Alonso, or simply Jose Rizal (1861-1896), is unquestionably the greatest hero martyr of our nation. The day of his birth the day of his execution are fittingly commemorated by all classes of our people throughout the length breadth of this country even by Filipinos their friends abroad. His name is a byword in every Filipino home while his picture adorns the postage stamp paper money of widest circulation. No other Filipino hero can surpass Rizal in the number of towns, barrios, streets named after him; in the number of educational institutions, societies, trade names that bear his name; in the number of persons, both†¦show more content†¦Your work has exceeded my hopes I consider myself happy to have been honored by your friendship. Not only I, but also your country, may feel happy for having in you a patriotic loyal son. If you continue so, you will be to your people one of those great men who will exercise a determinative influence over the progress of their spiritual life. (4) If Rizal’s friends admirers praised w/ justifiable pride the Noli its author, his enemies were equally loud bitter in attacking condemning the same. Perhaps no other work has, up to this day, aroused as much acrimonious debate not only among our people but also among reactionary foreigners as the Noli of Rizal. In the Philippines the hero’s novel was attacked condemned by a faculty committee of a Manila university (UST) by the permanent censorship commission in 1887. the committee said that it found the book heretical, impious, scandalous to the religious order, unpatriotic subversive to the public order, libelous to the govt. of Spain to its political policies in these islands, while theShow MoreRelatedWhy Is Rizal Our National Hero2163 Words   |  9 Pagesto ourselves as Filipinos to revisit the writings of Dr. Rizal and try to gain an understanding of his ideals and hope for the Philippines. Dr. Rizal is a great gift of God to us, if we are to see it in a Christian perspective. But Dr. Rizal may be like a precious gift left unopened in the closet of our lackadaisical minds. Participating in the events being held this year is a good way to open our hearts and minds to the dreams of Rizal for a progressive and enlightened Filipino nation. 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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of...

In A Vindication of the Rights of Women, Mary Wollstonecraft uses both her experience and observations as a rhetorical device in an attempt to educate women about the necessity of having both a strong mind and body. Throughout A Vindication of the Rights of Women, Wollstonecraft emphasizes the importance of these virtues by responding to other author’s ideas on the subject and using their words as evidence of how the patriarchal society views women and their ‘roles’ as citizens of society. Wollstonecraft, in her pragmatic treatise, critiques women and their behavior in an attempt to affect change in how women are perceived and in how women perceive themselves. Mary Wollstonecraft discusses the body and minds of both of†¦show more content†¦(43) She questions why women follow Rousseau’s ideas of child-rearing when they should be making an effort to empower their daughters by allowing them to socialize more and with both sexes and get more physical activity, thus increasing the strength of their minds and bodies instead of being â€Å"condemned to sit for hours†¦listening to†¦idle chat†¦ [a] lifeless doll† (45). Wollstonecraft observes that from infancy, girls are given dolls to play with while boys are encouraged to play with toys and games that encourage physical activity and mental agility, but if left alone, perhaps â€Å"accidentally been allowed to run wild† (47), the girls would be just as inclined to play actively as the boys, only interested in â€Å"the doll... [if]†¦confinement allows her no alternative† (47). This goes against Rousseau’s ideas that girls have a n atural â€Å"’fondness’† (45) from birth â€Å"’for dolls, dressing and talking’† (45) and â€Å"are naturally attentive to their persons† (46). Wollstonecraft refutes Rousseau’s ideas as â€Å"ridiculous†¦ [and]†¦below contempt† (46) as they do not support her own observations and feelings that see different attitudes in girls whose â€Å"spirits have not been dampened by inactivity, or innocence tainted by false shame† (47). Women, being unexpected to and not allowed to â€Å"exert any manual strength† (63) areShow MoreRelated Mary Wollstonecrafts A Vindication of the Rights of Women and Harriet Jacobs Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl3226 Words   |  13 Pages Mary Wollstonecrafts A Vindication of the Rights of Women and Harriet Jacobs Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Although Mary Wollstonecraft and Harriet Jacobs lived almost 300 years apart from one another, the basic undercurrent of both of their work is the same. 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This view of women changed only minutely throughout the centuries and demonstrated the extremity of it, when African-Americans (ex-slaves) were given equal rights beforeRead MoreEssay about Mary Wollstonecraft: A Radical Englishwoman1273 Words   |  6 PagesMary Wollstonecraft: A Radical Englishwoman Mary Wollstonecraft lived in a time where women had no right to vote, no right to education beyond what their mother or governess taught them, and basically no right to individuality or an opinion. They were considered possessions and virtually had no mind of their own. She realized that this was a problem of society and openly voiced her opinions on the matter. She wrote the book A Vindication of the Rights of Women in response to a literaryRead MoreWomen s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality1834 Words   |  8 Pagesadvocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. This theme can be prominently found in the Romantic period in Anna Letitia Barbauld’s â€Å" The Rights of Woman† and Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of Woman’s Rights. Anna Letitia Barbauld came from a background of dissenters, which made her face many challenges by being religiously oppressed; never theless, that never interfered with her writing as she was the voice for the voiceless. Even though Mary Wollstonecraft

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Definitions Of Sex And Gender - 1037 Words

What are the definitions of sex and gender? The meanings of sex and gender can be viewed as what society see us as. A clear definition of sex can be defined as the biological characteristics among male and female, whereas, gender is the style in which society views the contrast among both male and female. Nowlan states that â€Å"sex in contrast, has been most often used to refer to the sum of the physical characteristic that makes us biologically male and female† (Bob Nowlan 4) Moreoverly, â€Å"gender, in contrast, is the activity of managing situated conduct in light of normative conceptions of attitude and activities appropriate for one’s sex category† (Zimmerman 4) Society and cultural background have placed a large emphasis on practices regarding gender roles and identity. Throughout the years, we all have seen that society s standards and expectations for men and women are altogether different. From the minutes we are conceived, our lives are formed by our biological characters, which thusly, are further affected by a boundless number of cultural, environmental and mental strengths. At this point in our lives we are assumed sorted roles of how to behave as a boy or girl. We are told how to dress, act and fit into society’s norms. We focus on these roles without being given opportunity to choose our paths in life. Even when we reach adulthood, these social and mental forces are still very common to us. Figuring out what it feels like to be male andShow MoreRelatedFor The Majority Of People, It Is Understood Before High1032 Words   |  5 Pagesbetween sex and gender is. Sex refers to the biological differences at birth amongst males and females, but in today’s society the definition of gender is not so black and white. While the dictionary still incorrectly defines gender as, â€Å"the properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproduc tive roles† the current meaning and proper definition of the word gender has evolved (†Gender†). Breaking free from the constraints placed by society and the obsolete dictionary definition, thisRead MoreDistinction Between Sex And Gender1740 Words   |  7 Pages distinction between sex and gender be defined? In discussing whether the distinction between sex and gender can be defined I am going to use the early distinction between the two and how this has been socially constructed to identify if there is a distinction. Additionally, I am going to use a variety of feminist influences since the 1960’s, to draw upon the main issues when defining sex and gender. I will investigate the implications of defining sex and gender by looking at sexism. I hope thisRead More The Social Construction of Gender and Sexuality Essay1361 Words   |  6 Pageswhole new generation of people who aren’t defined by their race or their sex or who they like to sleep with.† This statement exemplifies the definition of gender as a concept; gender is the expectations of a sex according to the culture of society. Sexuality, within this definition of gender, reflects society’s expectations, which are created in relation to the opposite sex. The variances between cultures means that gender e xpectations change within different cultures. These expectations put pressureRead MoreAnalysis Of Doing Gender 902 Words   |  4 Pages1.A. In the â€Å"doing gender†, author’s definition of sex is combined social condition and it is not just focus on the biological area. And also, author mentioned that different definition about sex, gender and sex category. Firstly, sex is build on traditional biological standard. It distinguished male or female by genitals. As the definition of sex, the people who was born without clearly character of male or female, those people called intersex. People’s definition of sex brings some bad influenceRead MoreGender Is The Definition Of Gender1345 Words   |  6 PagesOctober 29, 2015 What is Gender? The definition of gender depends on the time period. The basic and historically accepted version of the definition of gender is the state of being either male or female, masculine or feminine, or simply a man or woman. Historically we have lived in a world that only had binary gender, meaning that a person was solely either a man or a woman. While that is the general definition that has been accepted as a baseline representation of what gender is, in today’s societyRead MoreThe Between Sex And Gender1447 Words   |  6 Pages How would you define your sex? Would you define it the same as you would your gender? In this paper, I will be discussing the common misconception associated with the relationship between sex and gender, and answering the question: â€Å"Is gender real?† I will also be relating the answer to this question to the epistemic virtue of wisdom. First, I will begin by giving the definitions of gender and sex, while pointing out the obvious differences between them, and explaining the realist’s, anti-realist’sRead MoreAn Interview With Joy Ladin896 Words   |  4 Pagesourselves as women? Gender shapes our interpretation of what it is to be at home within ourselves. As James Baldwin eloquently reminded us, â€Å"The world’s definitions are one thing, and the lives one actually lives is quite another† (Baldwin, ). How can we be sure of the complex nature of our gender identities and gender expression, be genuine, when we have been socialized into looking at the world through the lens of a binary gender system since we were born? It seems to me that the definition and expressionRead MoreIs Animation A Whole Other Language? Essay961 Words   |  4 Pageswhole other language in its own way, you could have a silent animation but it still expresses so much. The main reason why I have choose animation is because I want to Entertain, express idea’s and also discuss and share what I personally think ab out gender and the stereotypes associated with today’s culture. To express myself in another language and these terms I have picked will help me in that accomplishment. Term A â€Å"Entertainment† Entertainment is to provide fun, joy, amusement or a distractionRead MoreThe Current Day And Age Essay1266 Words   |  6 Pagesday and age, gender can be a very controversial topic. Back in the early 1950’s, there were very clearly defined gender roles for males and females. It is no longer as simple as it once was to define gender. Factors such as sociocultural influence, the scientific difference between â€Å"gender† and â€Å"sex†, and politics all play into gender roles and gender identity. America’s cultural idea of masculinity and femininity can also differ from other cultures making it a unique definition. It is veryRead MoreThe Case For Marriage Redefinition1231 Words   |  5 PagesRedefinition The debate over whether same-sex marriage should be legalized has raged on furiously over the past several years in both the United States and Britain. Opponents of same-sex marriage fear what consequences the redefining of marriage may bring while gay rights lobbyists deny that the meaning of marriage is being threatened. What is really at the heart of this debate, however, is personal liberty. Marriage needs to be redefined to include all genders and the inherent rights that marriage

Solution-Focused Therapies Essay - 1092 Words

Although we did not have time for the lecture on Chapter 15, I found myself intrigued with the information I read on solution-focused therapies. The term solution-focused therapy kept coming up in my classes, but I really did not have an understanding of exactly what it entailed. In reviewing this chapter, I not only learned a lot, but also found myself in agreement with much of what I read. While there is no such thing as a one size fits all therapy, Solution-focused therapy has a lot to offer clients. In several ways, solution-focused therapy reminded me of behaviorism. This is especially true from the aspect of not examining the past. Norcross and Prochaska state in Systems of Psychotherapy: A Transtheoretical Analysis (8th ed), â€Å"We†¦show more content†¦406). Empiricism focuses on scientific methods while constructivism views science as just another social construct. The constructivist believes that scientist have simply constructed their theories based on their ind ividual reality and their time periods. In my view, this could be problematic in that randomized clinical trials are needed in order to establish a form of therapy as an evidence based practice. â€Å"Constructivism converged into formal constructivist therapies in the 1990s as the popularity of the postmodern movement in academia filtered into clinical practice† (Norcross, p. 407). Solution-focused therapy is one of the therapies that are based on social constructivism. With solution-focused therapy, the client is the professional. We know that people overcome great adversity daily and often this occurs without any psychotherapy. Often the client just needs to be guided in the right direction. â€Å"We cannot change our past; we can change our goals. Better goals can break us out of stuck places and can lead us into a more fulfilling future† (Norcross, p. 408). The value of goal setting is something that has been discussed in every class I have taken since beginning t he masters of arts in counseling (MAC) program. â€Å"This process of goal setting and action planning is not something we do to people, but rather with them. The assessment process, as well as the working agreements we strike with our clients, should reflect high degrees ofShow MoreRelatedSolutions Focused : Solution Focused Therapy1055 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract Solution-focused therapy has been criticized for abandoning the expressive progressions of clients, yet, an analysis of works challenges this argument and shows that the use of positive self-talk within the changing process of Solution-focused therapy has been existing since its beginning expansion. This paper will explore the historical context of Solution Focused Therapy and how the theory has evolved. The author will also examine the underlying assumptions of the theory and causes,Read MoreSolutions Focused Therapy ( Sfbt ) Solution Focused Essay1906 Words   |  8 Pages Solution Focused Therapy (SFBT) Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) places focus on a person s present and future circumstances and goals rather than past experiences. In this goal-oriented therapy, the symptoms or issues bringing a person to therapy are typically not targeted. Instead, a qualified therapist encourages those in treatment to develop a vision of the future and offers support as they determine the skills, resources, and abilities needed to achieve that vision successfully. HistoryRead MoreSolution Focused Therapy And Experiential Therapy1937 Words   |  8 Pages This term paper is about solution-focused therapy and experiential therapy. In solution-focused therapy, the therapy does not emphasize the problem at all; it stresses and highlights the solution. The client is the expert and not the therapist. The experiential approach is often used to facilitate meaningful changes in individuals. SFBT is a short-term goal focused therapeutic approach which directs clients to focus on developing solutions, rather than on dwelling on problems. The theoretical frameworkRead MoreSolution Focused Therapy ( Sft )1614 Words   |  7 Pagesthose clients. Solution-focused therapy (SFT) is one of those approaches. Examined are the treatment approach of SFT, the theory associated, evidence to support the treatment, the effectiveness with youth and culturally diverse clients, and the limitation of the approach. SFT treatment approach can be used with an individual and or families. The treatment emphasizes the strengths and sources of resiliency that a client or family has to promote positive change (Hook, 2014). The therapy enables theRead MoreSolutions-Focused Therapy Discussion Essay1122 Words   |  5 PagesSolutions-focused therapy is a relatively new and welcomed therapy developed by Steve de Shazer and his wife Insoo Kim Berg, in 1979 at their institute, the â€Å" Brief Family Therapy Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin† (Guterman, 2010, p. 350). Shazer was interested in how to â€Å"influence change† (Nichols, 2008, p. 346). Solution-focused therapy deals in solutions as opposed to dwelling on problems. Increasingly stringent budgeting constraints emphasize the need to develop shorter and more focused therapyRead More Solution Focused Therapy Essay example2295 Words   |  10 PagesSolution Focused Therapy   Solution focused therapy is a model of therapy developed by  Steve de Shazer  and  Insoo Kim Berg  in the late 1970s (Dolan, n.d.). This model has become well known for its non-traditional approach to client problems as it does not explore clients issues in relation to their cause and affect but rather the goals and solutions to achieving a future free of any present issues. i will be discussing the evident concepts, principles and intervention techniques of this particularRead MoreThe Emergence Of Solution Focused Brief Therapy2413 Words   |  10 Pages Introduction The emergence of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) marked a changing of the guard within the realm of psychotherapy. For the previous century, the profession had been dominated by theories and practices, which was focused on unearthing a client’s repressed memories or family issues in hopes of identifying cracks in their mental and/or their emotional foundation that needed to be fixed. The change in perspective and approach presented by Steven de Shazer and his counterparts providedRead MoreSolution Focused Brief Therapy And Its Goals1401 Words   |  6 Pagesdefines the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and its goals, strategies and techniques. This approach focuses on individuals devising solution for problems rather than solving problems. Solution building is a collaborative effort between therapy and client. SFBT concentrates on the clients’ strengths and resources and belief that the therapist is not the expert but rather client is the expert. SFBT was develope d by Steve De Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg and their team at the Brief family Therapy Center inRead MoreCase Analysis : Solution Focused Therapy1309 Words   |  6 PagesUnderstanding that solution-focused therapists operate under the assumption that clients already have the necessary skills to solve their problems, it is our job as therapists to help them regain insight into their problems. Therefore, it is understandable why solution-focused therapy is considered a brief therapeutic approach. If the clients already have the ability to solve their own issues then they just need to be reminded of their strengths and resources, shifting the focus. In the vignetteRead MoreSolution Focused Therapy : Joel And Julia Graham1433 Words   |  6 PagesSolution-Focused Therapy: Joel and Julia Graham Introduction Solution-focused therapy focuses on the strengths and resources of individuals and families. It is based on five beliefs. The first is that problems do not occur continuously, that exceptions occur. Secondly, families and individuals have strengths and techniques to solve their own problems. Thirdly, success brings hope about the future and one’s own abilities. Fourth, reality is co-created and therefore solutions are co-created with

financial Accounting of McKenzie and Associates Accounting Company

Question: Discuss about the McKenzie and Associates Accounting Company. Answer: Thank you for your acceptance and trusting of our professional accounting service. McKenzie and Associates Accounting Company is proud of have you as our esteem customer, we trust that we will continue collaborating as we share both professionalisms in accounting and you excellent success. We are motivated by your response and coming back seeking new advice concerning accounting activities and operations that are relevant to you reputable organization. Therefore, we feel proud and honor to be your trusted accounting adviser. McKenzie and Associates Accounting Company has been in operation for the last ten years providing accounting advice to many companies around the world, what keeps us going on with our services is the fact that those companies are able to implement on our advice and they end up realizing better fruits out of their financial operations. Our main aim is to ensure that we advise our clients based on the financial controls, measures, and process as we respect the poli cies that are stated and inaugurated by the board of director and financial departments. We understand the financial operations and challenges that affect many organization, especially Pewter Ltd. Lack of implementing the stated policies and the financial measure could lead to financial challenges. The role of accounting and finance department to ensure that all policies and measure inaugurated by them and top management are well implemented and utilize in order to reduce and provide solution to the financial fatal financial activities. However, we have it is our role to help the organizational management to eradicate on the measures that are irrelevant to the company. Advice concerning the Warranty expense Warranty is the agreement made to the products by the manufacturer that the repair and replacement of the product will be done without any cost incurred by the consumer; period for warranty is usually stated. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to state the warranty period and provides the conditions that will be acceptable to repair or replace the products purchased by the consumer. The total of warranty expense is limited by the period of warranty that the business organization is typically allowing. The company normally incurs warranty expenses when sales are made. When the manufacturer makes some sales, it has the obligation to repair and replace the products. It is important for Pewter Ltd to provide warranty services to the clients; this will allow the company to gain trust and loyalty from the customers. Consequently, the company is recommended not to force customers to pay for the shipping and transport cost that will exceed the price of the product. Pewter Ltd is board of management is advice not to enter into extended warranties or service contract, they may force the company to incur a lot of costs, and thus reducing the profitability of the company. AASBs Act 137 states that the company that provides extended services to the client may become bankrupt at its early stage since a lot of costs are incurred to that product, which is not faulty. The act indicates that not all products are breaking on the time covered by the warranty period some clients may demand extra service to the product forcing the company to incur cost that will increase the company expense and liabilities(AASB C.A.S, 2014). The company is advice to describe consumer warranty protection by stating clearly that it provides extended warranty service under the cost paid by the consumers. While striving towards realizing profitability making approaches, Pewter Ltd is advice to recognize the impact of warranty expense to the financial statements. It is important for the company to recognize the all variance expense that contributes to the warranty expense. The current agreement made by the board of management on warranty expense should be revised since it will mislead the company from the recording company general expense, therefore, influencing the profitability approach for the company(Lee Vetter, 2015). Pewter Ltd is advice to recognize all the variance that contribute, the variance warranty expense should be treated as the accrual expense since they accrue before they are released or incurred by the company. The company should record these expenses at the same period when the related product sales are made and recorded by the sales department, this process of recording expense is called the matching principle, where all the expenses relating to sales are recognized during the time of reporting the revenues from the sale transactions(Camilleri, E Camilleri, 2017). The Pewter Ltd Company is advice to specify the number of damages to its products within certain number of days. The company should reasonably estimate the amount of warranty claims that are likely to arise under the policy; the estimated amount should accrue the expense that reflects the anticipated claims. Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (ASIC Act) contains information that relates to the license of extended warranties to the products manufactured by a company. The act states that companies that provide the extended warranties are providing additional coverage to the existing warranties, and thus incurring high cost compared to the normal warranted limited by the warranty period(Baker, et al., 2017). Advice concerning retail company operations Retail operations are currently considered as the business process that allows the company to increase its profitability making. Companies involved in retail services are in a better position to gain competitive advantage over the specified marketplace. Pewter Ltd Company is advocated to understand the business activities that suits the retail activities; the company is also mandated to estimate the issues that will arise because of involving itself in retail services(Evans Weil, 2017). Competitive advantage to a company is derived from the major business factor that defines the firm success. The business competitive advantage is gained by a business that provides excellence services and products to its clients, it is also gained when the company is able to meet the consumers demands in the market. Retail services are what is considered as the best preference of gaining competitive advantage in the market, retail servicing allows the company to segment its market as it ensures products are well distributed in the market. Pewter Ltd Company is operating in a devised market that every company is operating with an aim of increasing its market share. The company is advice to increase its retailing service within the market, this will allow the company to dominate the supply chain of the product in the market it operates. CORPORATIONS ACT 2001 - SECT 761G state about the retail services to client in relation to the financial products. It is clear that the retailers are primarily creating a platform that links the company and the consumer(Goodman, n.d.) Pewter Ltd Company is mandated to shape the products demand structures in the market by involving its self in retail services. Raggio stated that retailing is also a marketing strategy that needs to be adopted by a business organization. Pewter Ltd Company is recommended to encourage retailers to keep own setting aside more sections that will be used to exhibit different product, this will improve on customer experience. The customer should be allowed to choose and compare the variety of products displayed in one retail shop. However, the company can improve on customer experience by allowing customers to compare their old products with the new one, some customer may prefer to purchase the old product because of some factors such as durability, efficiency, and price. Based on the emailed we receive, the Pewter Ltd Company is encouraged to continue working with the retailers they have entered into agreement with if they can increase the number it could also better. Pewter Ltd Company is advice to state the number of retailers and their areas of operation in relation to the revenue they report to the company at every time they made products sales. Sometimes some of the retailers are just enjoying the exhibition fee they are paid and that they cannot even make target of product sales in each quarter, the payment fee that was to be paid should be treated as an income to the company and not expense. The company is advice to ensure that the $600 fee they pay for exhibition fee reduces the number of the retailers increases this will increase the company revenue. Auditing is an important strategic management approach that allows business organizations to realize their progress in terms of their performance. Pewter Ltd Company has allowed retailers to transfer the revenue to them after deducting the exhibition fee. The company should conduct an audit practice to the stores, this will allow them to realize the sales before the end of quarter. The Pewter Ltd Company is encouraged to recognize sales based on the principles provided by the International Financial Reporting Standards, the principles state that revenues should be recognized when the sales are made. Therefore, the company is recommended to receive revenues at the end of each quarter when the sales have been made and not before sales are made. It is important for the company to understand that recognizing the value of sales at the beginning of each quarter will eventually affect the financial statements of the company. Adjustments to be made when sales are not made are considered as irrelevant approach of recording transactions, adjustments are only recommended when errors and mistakes are found in company records(Gimbar, et al., 2016). However, Pewter Ltd Company is advice not to record all the reversed products with the incoming inventory. The processing cost of both incoming and reversed product is very much different, the processing cost of producing the products may not be same due to critical factor that may occur during the course of the quarter. Pricing of product should also be different, this is due to the processing cost material cost and other relevant costs of product. Retailers acts as the link between the company and the consumers, at the beginning of one-quarter, consumers may decide to purchase the products that were revised on the previous quarter The company should consider agreement with the retailers to implementing the inventory measure such as FIFO and LIFO as they make products sales. These inventory measures allow the retailers to determine the price strategy of selling the products to the consumers. Pewter Ltd Company is advice to consider the price strategy as the primary factor that deter mines the purchasing power of the consumers(Lee Vetter, 2015). Pewter Ltd Company is also encouraged to consider the cost of sales as part of doing business. The exhibition fee of $600 should be treated as cost of doing business since they are incurred before sales are made. The net amount received from the stores should be confirmed by conducting audit practice; this will compare the incoming inventory given to the stores with the sales made as well as unsold products(Dunne, et al., 2013). In conclusion, the company is advocated to implement on advices given since it will allow the company to accomplished its strategic goals and objectives. It is our happiness as McKenzie and Associates Accounting Company to be part of the success, we encourage you to implement on our recommendations as they give the platform of reaching out to the market. We will also recommend that you will respond concerning our advices if any clarification is required. Please do confirm that you receive the later through a phone call and email. References Baker, H. K., Filbeck, G. Ricciardi, V., 2017. Financial Behavior: Players, Services, Products, and Markets.. s.l.:Oxford University Press. Balance, B. C., Receipts, T. C. Receipts, F. C., 2015. Cash Management.. s.l.:s.n. Camilleri, E, E. Camilleri, R., 2017. Accounting for Financial Instruments: A Guide to Valuation and Risk Management.. s.l.:Routledge. Cho, Y., 2015. The relationship between resources and market coverage in small local internet retailing. International Journal of Retail Distribution Management, 43(7), pp. 597-616.. Dunne, P. M., Lusch, R. F. Carver, J. R., 2013. Retailing.. s.l.:Cengage Learning.. Evans, E. A. Weil, R. L., 2017. Serving as a Financial Expert in Litigation. Litigation Services Handbook: The Role of the Financial Expert. s.l.:s.n. Gimbar, C., Hansen, B. Ozlanski, M. E., 2016. The effects of critical audit matter paragraphs and accounting standard precision on auditor liability. In: s.l.:The Accounting Review, pp. 1629-1646.. Goodman, B., n.d. International Business Machines Corporation, 2015. Interactive client computer communication. In: s.l.:U.S. Patent, pp. 124,447. Hayes, R., Wallage, P. Gortemaker, H., 2014. Principles of auditing: an introduction to international standards on auditing.. s.l.:Pearson Higher Ed.. Herda, D. N. Lavelle, J. J., 2015. Client identification and client commitment in a privately held client setting: Unique constructs with opposite effects on auditor objectivity. In: s.l.:Accounting Horizons, pp. 577-601. Jackson, D., 2014. Business graduate performance in oral communication skills and strategies for improvement.. The International Journal of Management Education, 12(1), pp. 22-34. Lefevre, A. F. Chapman, M., 2017. Behavioural economics and financial consumer protection.. s.l.:s.n. Pacter, P., 2017. IASB Corner.. The International Journal of Accounting.. ROGGIO, A., 2015. Small-business Retail Marketing for 2016. PRACTICAL ECOMMERCE. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 SETP 2016]. Saunders, A. Cornett, M. M., 2014. Financial institutions management. s.l.:McGraw-Hill Education,.. Smith, S., 2017. Strategic Management Accounting: Delivering Value in a Changing Business Environment Through Integrated Reporting.. s.l.:Business Expert Press.. Weygandt, J. J., Kimmel, P. D. Kieso, D. E., 2015. Financial Managerial Accounting.. s.l.:John Wiley Sons..

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Rhinocerous Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Rhinocerous Essay, Research Paper # 8220 ; Oh, a rhinoceros! # 8221 ; cries Jean, the smug and slightly shallow friend to the chief character, Berenger, in the twentieth century Gallic drama, Rhinoceros. Jean # 8217 ; s response to the noisy invasion of the two rhinoceroses running past the coffeehouse is followed by a figure of similar senseless responses from Jean # 8217 ; s colleagues and familiarities. Eugene Ionesco, the Romanian-born French playwright, uses the absurd impression of rhinoceroses taking over a little provincial town in France to research life # 8217 ; s changeless battle between keeping one # 8217 ; s individualism and yielding to the # 8220 ; mass-mind # 8221 ; of conformance. The three-act drama is basically a metaphor for people abandoning their ain beliefs to fall in the mass herd bulk. In fact, Ionesco describes it as an # 8220 ; anti-Nazi # 8221 ; drama. It besides reflects a position that holds the existence to be finally irrational, meaningless, and absurd ; a impression normall y upheld in the # 8220 ; Theater of the Absurd, # 8221 ; a mid-20th century theatre motion. Tragedy and comedy collide in this illustration of the absurdness of the human status. The drama centres on Berenger, a immature adult male confused by life # 8217 ; s many struggles. His battles with life reflect those of Ionesco himself. Berenger is the one character who sees the world of life and is determined non to yield to the # 8220 ; disease # 8221 ; of conformance. However clear the jobs of humanity are to him, his ultimate confusion is obvious when he says, # 8220 ; Sometimes I wonder if I exist myself # 8221 ; . These existentialist concerns reflect Ionesco # 8217 ; s philosophical inquiries of his ain being. In fact, this drama causes its audience to contemplate such issues within themselves. Except for Berenger, the characters in the drama show their inanity and single-mindedness in the first and 2nd Acts of the Apostless by their reactions to the rhinoceroses. The Old Gentleman barely notices them at all. He is more interested in winning the fondnesss of the Housewife by assisting her gather her things that she drops when startled by the beasts. It becomes clear that none of them see the rhinoceroses as possible precursors of the hereafter or understand the significance behind their visual aspect in their little town. When one of the rhinoceroses runs over the Housewife # 8217 ; s cat, all of the citizens say at the same time, # 8220 ; What a calamity, hapless small thing! # 8221 ; A few of the citizens so continue stating one-by-one, # 8220 ; Poor small thing! # 8221 ; . Ionesco shows this # 8220 ; canned mawkishness # 8221 ; from the characters to bode the affects of conformance I n the society. He uses this technique all throughout the drama. When one character reacts to something with a response, the others follow with the exact same response. This deficiency of idea on the portion of the citizens throughout the first two Acts of the Apostless assures their eventual transmutation into rhinoceroses. The image of a â€Å"mass mind† becomes clearer as the drama progresses. The topics depicted in this drama are serious, yet the audience can non assist but titter a small at the thoughts and images portrayed, for they are genuinely absurd. However, one should besides see the implicit in subject behind Ionesco # 8217 ; s herd of rhinoceroses. This # 8220 ; tragic-comedy # 8221 ; brings to mind Nazi Germany and the Serbs in Bosnia. There is ever an internal battle traveling on about whether you # 8217 ; re traveling to be your ain individual # 8211 ; which is hard # 8211 ; or whether you # 8217 ; re merely traveling to travel with the flow of the crowd. Most people tend to yield to the # 8220 ; disease # 8221 ; merely because they can non bear being different from the bulk. Ionesco # 8217 ; s plants are similar to those of Samuel Beckett, an Irish novelist and dramatist from the twentieth century. Beckett # 8217 ; s dramas, such as Waiting for Godot and Endgame, besides concern the issues of human agony, endurance, and fighting with nonsense and unreason in a universe of the truly Absurd. However, most of Ionesco # 8217 ; s work is more amusing, more verbal, and less despairing than the work of Beckett. Of class, by stating that Ionesco # 8217 ; s dramas are more amusing, the earnestness of the chief subjects found in his work are non meant to be downplayed. In fact, the thoughts about the human status that he depicts are really efficaciously presented and are enhanced with the usage of absurdnesss. The characters engage in pointless and insistent actions that emphasize the nonsense of their being and the unlogical manner in which they live. The secret plan of this drama opens the eyes of its audience by the use of many non-traditional dramatic techniques. The most obvious is Ionesco # 8217 ; s usage of the rhinoceros as a poetic metaphor of the # 8220 ; indispensable savageness # 8221 ; of human existences and besides of the pettiness of the existence. The rhinoceros contrasts wholly with the images of beauty and aristocracy which characterized dramas of earlier epochs. The arrant pandemonium and preposterousness of this # 8220 ; tragic-comedy # 8221 ; is adequate to do it memorable to all who read it or acquire the opportunity to watch the production. To those who can look past the comedy and see the true significance behind the absurdness, it is perchance life-changing.